The relationship between the customer and the program office of a large
communication-intensive defense program was strained. Ineffective communications,
a lack of shared vision, and program technical issues contributed to a
growing lack of trust at the executive level.
Program leadership asked Global Aperture to host a series of workshops
to improve communications effectiveness. Presentation development, speaking
skills, and customer management training modules were designed to increase
focus and customer collaboration on resolving current problems and planning
for the future.
The program has since been recognized as a model within the defense establishment
and the skills addressed during the Global Aperture workshops have been
highlighted directly by the customer in formal feedback. The customer
relationship has improved, program users are benefiting from the system,
and upgrades are in work.
Developing only a strategic plan often isn't enough. In order to succeed, your team must be on-board, aligned around your shared vision and approach, and committed to success.
Our approach to earning and building commitment is to ensure employees are involved, communicated with, and engaged early and often as you explore new ideas and solutions. Our alignment process offers a host of services that enhance personal communication skills, strengthen lines of communication across your entire organization, and involve employees in the planning process. Just some of the ways we can help:
Global Aperture’s alignment services not only help ensure the success of your strategic planning but also strengthen your entire organization.